Activation Campaign
The Last One Turns off the Lights – Campaign for the creation of brilliant new habits
Analysis, Key message, Website

During the holiday season, D'Agency came up with the idea for the initiative The Last One Turns off the Lights, the aim of which was to raise people’s awareness of the importance of energy saving within the LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE project.
LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE is an eight-year project of 15 partners, through which D'Agency promotes communication activities at the project level and participates in raising awareness among the general public about the climate change and the transition to a low-carbon society.
During the hours when the lights are not making anyone happy, we are consuming electricity and thereby scarce natural resources. How do you get the general public to adopt a brilliant new habit – turning off holiday lights overnight at home, in offices and elsewhere?
D solution
The Last One Turns off the Lights initiative was born in December 2022, and was aimed at raising awareness of the importance of energy saving. We created three short videos, which we shared by digital advertising on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, with many influencers helping us promote the idea. We used videos in a humorous way to encourage those who are the last to go to bed in the family to turn off the lights. Through the link, viewers were directed to the website Zadnji ugasne lučke , where they could also symbolically turn off the lights by clicking. The number of clicks was converted into euros, and with the collected funds we contributed to the purchase of energy-saving light bulbs, which we distributed to energy-vulnerable families in cooperation with the Ljubljana Moste-Polje Friends of Youth Association.
D results
- Three videos
- 775,910 video views
- Website
- 5548 online light turn-offs
- 15 influencers activated
- Energy-saving bulbs for energy-vulnerable families
It may seem that turning off the lights does not save much energy, but this small change of habit can be a good incentive for bigger changes and at the same time a gentle reminder that wastefulness has no place in society. By turning off the lights, anyone can easily contribute to electricity savings, and also to the long-term common and more responsible use of energy and natural resources, energy savings and preservation of the environment.